Marketing to Savvy Consumers
can be a challenge for any business. Consumers are more educated and look to alternative sources when hunting for the products and services they need. Blogs and influencers and grown in leaps and bounds in the last few years as people trust 3rd party content more than advertising that comes directly from the brand. Luckily we have years of experience using branded content to reach new customers, and we want to help your organization pivot to meet the needs and questions of the modern day consumer.
Our experienced team has been successfully creating content for a modern social media audience, through our own influencer platforms. Our experience ads up to valuable marketing strategy consulting and the ability to work with your budget to create a full service package that will reach your target audience.
- Blogs - Instagram - Tutorial Videos - Q&A - Live Feed- Social Media Stories -
This concepts might be new to you, but they are not unfamiliar to us. Matriarch wants to help your business thrive and grow in the social media market. By leveraging content that meets the needs and expectations of consumers today.
We advise and strategize with your business to come up with a full package promotional concept to marketing your brand, service, product and industry to savvy modern day consumers.
Reach out to our team for more information on how we can help your business grow in a cost effective way.